Evaluating the ROI of English Language Training for Milanese Companies: Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Methods

5/2/20242 min read

people standing inside building
people standing inside building


English language training has become increasingly important for companies in Milan as they strive to compete in the global marketplace. However, measuring the impact and return on investment (ROI) of these training initiatives can be challenging. In this article, we will provide insights into evaluating the ROI of English language training for Milanese companies, including key performance indicators and assessment methods.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

When measuring the impact of English language training on Milanese companies, it is essential to identify and track key performance indicators. These KPIs can help determine the effectiveness of the training and its impact on the company's overall performance. Some relevant KPIs for evaluating the ROI of English language training include:

  • Improved Communication Skills: Assessing the improvement in employees' ability to communicate effectively in English is crucial. This can be measured through language proficiency tests, such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC).
  • Increased Business Opportunities: Tracking the number of new business opportunities or partnerships that arise as a result of improved English language skills can provide valuable insights into the impact of the training. This can be measured through sales figures, new client acquisitions, or successful negotiations conducted in English.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Evaluating the impact of English language training on customer satisfaction can be done through customer feedback surveys or analyzing customer complaints and resolutions. Improved communication with English-speaking customers can lead to higher customer satisfaction levels.
  • Employee Retention: Assessing the impact of English language training on employee retention rates can be an indicator of its effectiveness. Employees who feel supported in their professional development are more likely to stay with the company. This can be measured through employee surveys or tracking turnover rates.

Assessment Methods

In addition to tracking KPIs, there are various assessment methods that can be used to measure the impact of English language training on Milanese companies. These methods include:

  • Pre and Post-Training Assessments: Conducting assessments before and after the training can help determine the improvement in employees' language skills. This can be done through language proficiency tests, oral presentations, or written assignments.
  • Performance Reviews: Incorporating English language skills as part of regular performance reviews can provide ongoing feedback and assessment. Supervisors can evaluate employees' ability to communicate effectively in English during team meetings, presentations, or client interactions.
  • Observations and Feedback: Observing employees' English language skills in real-life work situations and providing feedback can be a valuable assessment method. Managers or trainers can provide constructive feedback on employees' language usage, pronunciation, and overall communication effectiveness.
  • Surveys and Interviews: Gathering feedback from employees who have undergone English language training can provide insights into the perceived impact of the training. Surveys or interviews can be conducted to assess employees' confidence in using English, their perceived improvement in communication skills, and their overall satisfaction with the training program.


Measuring the impact and ROI of English language training on Milanese companies requires the identification of relevant KPIs and the implementation of appropriate assessment methods. By tracking improvements in communication skills, increased business opportunities, enhanced customer satisfaction, and employee retention rates, companies can evaluate the effectiveness of their training initiatives. Additionally, conducting pre and post-training assessments, incorporating language skills in performance reviews, providing observations and feedback, and gathering employee feedback through surveys and interviews can further enhance the evaluation process. By understanding and measuring the impact of English language training, Milanese companies can make informed decisions to maximize their ROI and stay competitive in the global market.